Thursday, October 25, 2007

593090649 蔡明政

英文主題: TURNING THE VORNER(by Chris Mauro)
這是一篇有關於衝浪板製程的報導,內容不只是專注在衝浪板的製造流程,由於世界最大製造衝浪板內蕊的CLARK公司,2005年底忽然的宣佈倒閉,造成許多製板商的衝擊,在能源缺乏的狀況,又在對衝浪板品質的堅持下,許多的新一代衝浪板被開發出來,以前的傳統材質單一性,現在運用科技利用機器,所做出來的多元化衝浪板,對於選手及一般使用者 ,或多或少都有選板的迷惑,當然新的科技所製造出的衝浪板多少顛覆了傳統的缺點,但其價格也是一款比一款貴,另外在東南亞的部份,由於許多工廠都外移至此,員工技術及原料都不比美國來的優良,而在大量生產下,對於衝浪板產業也是一大考驗,本篇主題探討了新科技帶來的影響及大量生產的利弊,相信對一支半解的衝浪人會有作用。

中文主題: 商業體制下的失焦紀錄片
Since we are living in the global village, in order to express our opinion and let others accept ,we have to learn how to make good communication

We all known that all of human activities are throught communication to finish. Now, there are many good ways of communication to express our opinion and idea, one of the way is documentary.

documentary is included Art and Communication,not only picture and words, but also true story and body language. Through the skill of taking film by director ,we can see the true story which is combined art aptly. We can realize many things which we had naver seen or heared even we never take concern like 無米樂.

As the global village are becomming more and more commercial activities, documentaryis made by more and more different technique from before. The truthfulness is faced challenges. Now, let us read the artical to arouse our idea.

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