Thursday, October 25, 2007



Title:Michel Foucault

focus audience:various field

summary :

從小到大,在我們社會化的過程裡,舉凡家庭、學校、軍隊、工廠,甚至醫院,求同的呼聲與期許總是大於求異,甚至是其目標。那些與眾不同的人,成為師長、長官,或者說整個體制,欲除之而後快的障礙。這些機制利用各種技術對我們進行改造、約束、支配,讓我們害怕與別人不同,讓我們在與別人相同中得到安全感與認同感,以甘心放棄獨立性與獨特性。這些技術就是傅柯 (Michel Foucault, 1926-1984) 早、中期致力研究的支配技術,或說宰制技術。


Michel Foucault (October 15, 1926 – June 25, 1984) was a French philosopher, historian and sociologist. He held a chair at the Collège de France, giving it the title "History of Systems of Thought," and taught at the University of California, Berkeley.

He is very likes changing. He offers a various knowledge that attacks a lot of field.
Therefore, he breaks the fact of surface. More theories in his opinion are be changed by him.

He writes a mass of book. Including of 、<>、<>、<>、<>、.These book have been chosen to make a bible for Thought.

I want to relize the Foucault.He is a complete man.Otherwise,he gives me abundant thought.Including of my autobiography、thesis and works that is instilled Foucault’s
I write a thesis that title is The fake media under the black politics. The thesis describes politics effects media that becomes a very important issue of exploring the relationship between mass media and politics.
I hope to arouse voters to respect the politics by analyze, to recognize the truth and the fake, and to remind voters’ consciousness during the election.

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