Thursday, October 25, 2007

593090508 張雅惠

Controversial Honor, Michael Schumacher

The name「Michael Schumacher」is so famous. But I never watch any competition about him. Until Italy of the 2006 season, I feel deeply the charm of him and the enthusiasm of race at first time. It really makes me crazy. And this day, Michael Schumacher who is the greatest Formula One driver, announce the message which the god of the Formula One would be leave the races. In his 16-year Formula One career, the fastest man all over the world record setting seven championships and 91 Grand Prix wins. Schumacher make Ferrari which never celebrate the victory around the twenty year become the top team of the Formula One. He enables Formula One to become one of popular sport in Germany and effect a huge economical benefit. From day to now, the contribution of everlasting myth about Schumacher doesn’t ponder toward racing car.



Changing The Formula

幾個月來,賽車新聞裡出現 國籍台灣的「林帛亨」已接受中國A1GP車隊邀請的消息傳出,台灣車迷一陣驚喜,這是很多車手做為晉升賽車界最高領域「一級方程式錦標賽」的跳板。心想,林帛亨…會是下一個舒馬克嗎?

一級方程式錦標賽(Formula One)是由FIA國際汽車聯盟在1950年起所舉辦的The FIA World Championship開始,至今已有50多年的歷史。F1的存在與蓬勃發展促使汽車開拍等相關行業的景氣復甦,也刺激各車隊研發更穩定的產品與技術;同時間,也將此世界級競賽結合運動推廣與娛樂,推至更大眾化的趨向,F1產生的巨星效應,也為各個主辦國帶來可觀的周邊商業效應。50年了,這50年究竟讓F1成長多少?

資料來源 : TIME Magazine

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