Thursday, October 25, 2007




It come from Taiwan Cinema Note. The author went to Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague(FAMU). The college is arts school. It's has three college include music, movie and drama. She learn movie and international course. The school arrange theory and practice course. It's include movie, record, video, drama. In addition, she also visit Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. It's the best International Film Festival of Czech Republic. She also introduce her life and learn language of Czech Republic. In her life, she felt advance in technology, encourage inspiration in other place , undergo an experience of life in depth, observe herself and other people is the most important part for create movie.


The Art
這是一個介紹台灣的藝術,在台灣有各式各樣的藝術文化散落於台灣各地,例如博物館有臺北當代藝術館, 國立臺灣美術館, 高雄市立美術館, 鴻禧美術館, 朱銘美術館..等。畫廊, 龍門畫廊, 愛力根畫廊, 誠品畫廊, 臺灣畫廊, 敦煌藝術中心。文中也詳細的介紹發展史,起源。也詳細的介紹了相關作品,展覽過的東西,譬如,兵馬俑秦文化特展,是在2001年1月到3月。當時也造成台灣的一股轟動。美索不達米亞羅浮宮兩河流域珍藏展是在2001年3月到7月…等許多的展覽。這些都是一個具有歷史價值的展覽。在這需多元化的藝術作品中,以及國際級的展覽表演。也清楚的告訴了我們,台灣也是一個國際化的藝術氣息。

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