Saturday, October 27, 2007


English to Chinese

電影藝術是一種世界語言,一部好的電影不只演藝人員舉世流芳而是整個國家的民族文化都為之弘揚生色。但是,在科技發展與全球化的政治正確趨勢之下,促使文化工業生產結構性改變。在全球資本主義重組的時空裡,資訊以及文化產品的生產與傳佈,越來越偏向中心化的發展。 異於許勒所指的「全球市民社會」,文化權力是掌握在閱聽人手中,生產文化商品的國際集團無法控制閱聽人的意志。這段話值得深思,果真如此嗎?對於未來可能身為媒體人的我們,不應對全球化下的媒體文化發展有所認識嗎?
以使用漢語全球性巨作《臥虎藏龍》做為例子,該文研究針對東方文化如何全球化以對抗文化帝國主義理論預言可能性。首先,當地明星的全球化被視為扭轉文化流動的首要條件。 其次,一個全球性地方聯盟的形成,包括地方和全球網路所組成的公司和專業人士扮演著一個重要角色。
Chinese to English

About Schiller, H and Ferguson, M. to criticize the globalization theories.
作者:劉世鼎 (Liu Shih Diing )

Because of the high dissemination, the communication and the technical development that brings the multi-dimensional migration, the circulation, the charm and the disputation in globalization. Takes advantage of understanding the criticism between the local mass media dissemination and the cultural researcher.
Roughly there are two kinds of views in the media culture under globalization:
1. Cultural producers (program) and consumers (audience) the relation of power seem to be equal. No phenomenon of rule will be appeared.
2. In space-time recombinated in the global capitalism, the production and spreading of the information and cultural production lead to develop more and more centre.
We might to be worked in media in the future.We should know the cultural development of media in globalization, don't you?

Recently mainstream media in Taiwan begin to discuss with the globalization and connect mass communication question. But the globalization indicates meaning and the nature as well as how to understand the globalization critically still defines clearly for further. The article introduced the globalizing question understanding by Schiller,H and Ferguson,M in summary. As well as the process they how to ponder the globalization concept “problematise” again.

Friday, October 26, 2007

592090173 王別誠

(1) 主題: 中國大陸的環境在全球化的世界下
China’s environment in a globalizing world
就空氣污染來說,造成空氣污染的最大原因是因為工業的廢棄氣體污染.在土地污染方面,都市化的問題和土地的其他用途,例如採礦和森林管理.這些是造成農田減少的原因. 用水品質在中國大陸是不足和持續降低的,由於工業和都市廢棄水源的排放以及殺蟲劑和肥料的影響. 再者,中國大陸平均每人的水資源用量是全球平均的四分之一.幾乎沿海的水源也是遭到污染的,主要是因為來自陸地和其他海運活動所造成的.進一步來說,海洋的污染和過度的捕抓魚類造成了魚類存量受到傷害並且自然的收穫量正在持續的減少.因為這些的污染源,生物的多樣性已經受到了傷害和絕種的危機.


(2)Title: Ten things that everyone can do for environment
Target group: general reader
Everyone one can do ten things to protect the environment. “To protect our environment” is not a slogan; everyone can practice it. There are ten things that teach us how to protect our environment in day-to-day.
1. First, people can change the light bulb. In Seattle, they use the compact fluorescent lamp instead of the old light bulb. The life cycle of the compact fluorescent lamp is eight to fifteen times of the old ones. One of the weakness is that is more expensive.
2. Second, people can eat more vegetable. If everyone can eat more vegetable, it is good for environment and health.
3. Moreover, people can drink water at home instead of the bottle water. The bottle water generates plenty of carbon sins, while they are produced and delivered to another place.
4. Also, resident need to care about the use of the public power, such as traffic signal. The life cycle of the light emitting diodes can last five years and it is four times of the old ones.
5. Fifth, the driver can turn right on red. No turn on red will waste the energy and waste people’s time. Also, it results in air pollution which can influence resident’s health.
6. Then, the development does not mean progress. After the highway is built, the store, the restaurant, and parking lot are built subsequently. However, it changes the natural environment.
7. Next, people can choose some habit which can reduce burden for the globe. One of the habits will not waste the gas. On the other hand, it discharges people’s sweat. However, it is good for the natural environment.
8. Eighth, people can reduce the usage of paper. If everyone can use the recycled paper, we could save millions of trees.
9. Ninth, consumers should purchase products, before looking for the tag on the product. Customers can purchase organic food and products, because it is good for our globe.
10. At last, people can consider about green building. The green building uses the concept of saving the energy, which can persuade people to use more natural light, and save water and electricity.
If everyone can try their best to do those ten things, the environment would be better and better.
Reference: 全行銷知識庫

593090027 李心蘭

中翻英(Chinese to English)

800 characters article
The books of me Author:夏丏尊
Shai mein tuan is invited to write 800 characters article, that he description books of himself.


593090522 吳明志

FROM: The Apparition in the Badminton Court
The Apparition in the Badminton Court is a screenplay. This screenplay is an original novelette by Ellery Lin. The story is about young detective to find a murder in his University and try to lay hands on the serial killer.
This screenplay reproduces the film by our student team. The team included two senior, me and many classmates. We expended large playtime, energy, sums of money in making this film. This film was a special experience for ourselves.

出處:Discover Taipei Bimonthly Issue 57 January-February 2007
• SPECIAL REPORT: True Street Myth: Questing for Local Hip-Hop


大傳四 593090560蔣孟君

This article is about Life Sciences. Life Sciences is the popular issue in 21 century. I think the humanity to be health very important. Everybody should to know how can keep the health, so I choose this article. I hope I can realize more about Life Sciences. The article explains the brief introduction of Metallothionein. M.T is the Metallothionein abbreviation, is a kind of protein which exists in life somatic cell richly contains the cysteine be able to unify the metailicion to have the low molecular to be easy to absorb the thermostable good activeness stable and biological Activity strong. Since M.T. discovered, it becomes the world health organization (W.H.O) on of basic science research. W.H.O Confirmed M.T and humanity youth health prolongs life has close Relation. M.T. is the scientific and technical circles in the animal in vivo discovery one kind most important strangest most special physiological function most active material. On October 2005, hold fifth session of M.T. international seminar in Beijing china, the conference subject is “the metallothionein, the metal the health, mainly discusses the metallothionein in the clinical on application, the global nearly 400 well-know scientists participation deliberated on definitely the M.T. particularity, the function, the irregularity, to humanity’s youth, the health, the longevity, and the stem cell function have the same; more importantly, the M.T. and the stem cell not only mutually repel, actually can complement one another, therefore; it can be seen M.T. importance on international calls M.T. is the light of the life. When I read about Life Sciences articles, I felt very interesting. If we want to keep the body health that have to realize more and more information. This information can let us achieved and continuative created to the humanity life.


大傳四 593090467 賴韋穎

Environmental Protection
Stray Dog Control
環保 [控制流浪狗的數量]

Wrote for several years, manuscript, I realize two insights by myself: The first insight:I am a certain to strive relentlessly of kid, always the result is low to fall, one day he cheated, having never thoughting to take first incredibly.

The second insight:a certain teacher has been seeing one flat result is low to fall of student, however the heart expects his bility comeback win, ream oneself in different light, appeared as a result, this student finally is should be seen flat.

This is the insight that I write manuscript, is also my observation to life, however this seeming to with the morals exactitude and formula in Hollywood is a violation.







Chinese to English

Syu–shun–ying(許舜英)︰I am the Ghost.

Reading the Word and the World—We live in the world that fill many massages. By reading, we know many things. But massages we can read just like a wide ocean, the methods of reading become more important. Some top people in each field have their own opinion about reading. We learn their thinkings to expand vision and increase knowledge in the field.

Syu–shun–ying(許舜英) is commented as one of the Asia's most important person in the advertising field. She persists in her opinion about reading and advertising. “I am the ghost”, she describe herself with meaning. She discusses the meaning of the ghost. First of all it indicates the advertising’s effect on consumer she wants. Secondly, it is contrast to human being, in other words, it symbolizes human’s desire. In her own words, I think that is why she has a “haunting power”.

593090479 席偉慈

Skin Art- The Art od Getting a Tatoo
Text and photos by Daniel Mojahedi
資料來源: discover台北



In the near half century, what happened about Taiwan’s marketing and mass media? It’s clear to write down than to speak out. See the history and you will discover that many things have the key influence about Taiwan’s marketing and mass media’s develop.

593090572 許齡尹

Chinese to English

Hong Kong food culture

Target:20-40 years old
The people who wants to find out about the Hong Kong cooking culture.

The HongKongness likes to drink morning tea, the Chinese teahouse starts supplying a dessert about 5:00 from the morning everyday, up to noon.

The tea restaurant is the special features in Hong Kong, mainly providing Cheap foods.We can find out Egg Ta and Bo Luo which turn mixture from East and Weast culture in tea restaurant. And they becames the two kinds of Hong special food.
Although the HongKongness originally likes to take tea, along with the rise in the tea restaurant, the coffee is also gradually popular.

The food culture in Hong Kong had become the place that combined East culture with West culture, developing a food which blends to Cantonese food and a western meal make it a rule, as a result is praised for"delicacy heaven."Taiwan, Vietnam, Tai and India restaurants in Hong Kong are all very familiar.

Text from:






1971年,英語教師Jerry Baldwin,歷史教師Zev Siegel和作家Gordon Bowker合作開了第一家星巴克。他們三人開店是受到阿爾佛雷德‧皮特的皮特咖啡公司的影響。1987年,現任董事長霍華德‧舒爾茨籌資買下了星巴克。此後,他把星巴克做成了美國版的義大利咖啡屋。如今已經在全世界30個國家開了6000個店鋪。



English to Chinese

The Brand by Any Other Name



Text from:
Chinese to English

麥當勞變身「舒食」店李明元 用吊詭策略再創佳績
New Style of McDonald’s, Taiwan Got it!

In recent months the fest of McDonald’s has evidently grown 25%, the C.E.O. of Taiwan branch of McDonald’s - Li Ming Yuan is the mastermind behind the whole operation.How does it successfully? The Taiwan branch of McDonald’s keeps trying to find some new methods to create fresh feel and products to make something different, although she had been encountered many kinds of unexpected circumstance during the management process. Even then the C.E.O., Li Ming Yuan didn’t administer such large corporation well; at one time he was forced to abandon the position and appointed to learn more abroad.But in 2003, Li issued the “Rice Burger” to the international, and became available in the market over several countries; it not only aroused the sales, but also provided benefit to Taiwan’s agriculturist indirectly.

Motion and Target:
In Marketing, this is the successful case in Taiwan, so I believe it worth to mention this article for anyone who concern about marketing event, it not only encourage us but also the way to promote Taiwan.


593090584 陳詩文

英翻中:[Northern Taiwan: Where Ancient and Modern Coexist


中翻英 :


The article describe about Jay and his Mother .
Jay like his music very much. The music and Jay’s Mother is all that matters in Chou’s life. They save and define him. They are Jay’s lucky star. For Jay Chou, Music Jay’s Mother and Jacky Wu is very important.

Jay’s Mother manages his huge income. His managers run his business and take care of his lucrative endorsements. In his free time, he always living at home with mom.
Despite of his parents' divorce when he was 14 years old, he insists a happy place.

"Jacky Wu is like my elder brother," says Jay Chou. "He taught me how to be an artist, to be professional and to be dedicated to my career."By the way, "Jay Chou is definitely setting musical trends."

593090273 周秉坤

Chinese to English
1.Title:「小畢的故事」 Growing Up (novel revise script )

2.Abstract / Motive:
The movie obtain the best movie file award, the best director at the twenty Golden Horse award(金馬獎) in 1983; 「Growing Up」obtain the good booking office and favorable comment that take shape by the new movie wave. It describe a growing story to a boy in the countryside. 鈕承澤play the leading role 小畢, 庹宗華is a guest performer childhood of小畢, 張純芳play the part his mother that play young to old, 崔福生play the part his foster father. The movie is represent a important start to Taiwan’s new movie style.
The movie is represent Taiwan’s new movie style that me be worth to see. But also the scenario to describe the countryside for tradition society in Taiwan that revoke my curiosity for countryside life by life in the city of me.

3.Data from:
English to Chinese
1.Title:Taiwan’s next generation of filmmakers『台灣新世代電影導演 』
2.Abstract :
在台灣的年輕的世代,電影製片人被當作業餘的嘲弄。現今台灣電影產業不如以往繁榮,商業票房和吸金度,已經變成新ㄧ代電影製作人生存上必須面對的問題。 而在台灣電影節鼓勵獎賞下,台灣電影得到新生機會,不僅輔助了台灣電影產業的基金,而且催生更多優質的台灣電影。另一方面這項台灣電影節活動,也間接推廣台灣電影給文藝青年欣賞,達到宣傳之功效。

Thursday, October 25, 2007


In the filed of fashion, Chanel builds a serial of fancy collections which make women’s beauty more harmonious and elegant than they can ever dream. In a point of civil view, it is interesting that how she can establish this fashion kingdom and lasts for more than 100 years of its irreplaceable position.
Legendary fashion queen, Chanel, starts her career from clothes. However, her talent of “Total Look” which includes clothes from top to toe and how you will look like makes every woman appealing. Her products also include perfume and make-up. These goods take care of every woman’s from outside to inside.
The ways of sales and administration of a company are always the keys to the success. The experience and points of view from Ms. Chanel gives every girl a lesson. Whatever you starts your career or not, her attitude and persevere should be always kept in mind.

Making a Ruckus in the Music Business
摘要到底音樂數位化所帶來的影響有多大,而當音樂數位化成為不可阻擋的風潮時,又能從中獲得多少商機? 數位化之後,衍生的版權問題更是將音樂數位化後所直接面臨到的問題。乍看數位化的音樂成長幅度,逐年增加,但總體音樂(傳統跟數位)音樂的販賣營業額卻是減少。這不是意味聽音樂的人變少,而是數位音樂本身的便利性,使得消費者更容易輕忽版權。所幸,數位音樂的保護機制,持續發展,以配合數位化音樂的銷售並且避免消費者侵犯版權。而數位化音樂的銷售模式,跟傳統音樂的銷售截然不同,只要能找出適合的銷售方式,並且配合完善的數位音樂保護機制,數位化音樂仍然能帶來大量商機。


Public Relations Specialists (公關專業人士)

This article is from U.S. Department of Labor, introduces about Public Relations Specialists. This article separates into parts to exposition:
§ Nature of the Work
§ Working Conditions
§ Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
§ Employment
§ Job Outlook
§ Earnings
§ Related Occupations
§ ources of Additional Information
I’m interesting in public relations. From this article, I’ll know the conditions of PR on U.S., and comprehend this occupation has the difference between Taiwan and U.S.

論公共關係的公眾利益觀 (The point of public benefit in public relation)


大傳四 593090510 黃郁婷


這是一篇有關奧斯卡得獎電影『美國心玫瑰情』的電影解析,作者以細膩的文筆,巧妙的把故事每一段每個主角,生動描繪且分析美國心玫瑰情所要表達經典意義。影片一開始,主角雷斯特以一個死者回顧的自述方式描述起他的中年上班族的無趣人生,以玫瑰花瓣貫穿整部片中的中年男子對年輕女子的情慾及幻想,是一個典型使用表徵性來表達意識的手法 。


“American Beauty” is not only a comedy, but also a tragedy. As the author of the article mentioned, “American Beauty” described many problems of modern families, such as relationship between parents and children, marriage and affairs, huge pressure from work, teenager early sexuality, drug use, homosexuality and etc. It was also an epitome in our society. Each character in this movie represented a unique personality. “American Beauty” was a sad story about two dysfunctional families. The main character, Lester, as a middle-aged husband and father, was never treated with respect and patience by his wife and teenager daughter. Lester played a minor role in his working place; at home his wife and daughter talked to him with an ironic tone. Lester’s wife, Carolyn, was a material woman, and her philosophy toward life is that to be looked like whatever she was. For instance, Carolyn was a real estater, and she always tried her best to sell every property; as a mom at home, she thought her daughter needed encouragement from parents so Carolyn often praised her daughter rather than gave honest opinions. The teenager daughter, Jane, was not confident of herself. Under this kind of dysfunction, each of the Burnham developed their own life, which leaded their family destroyed. Lester’s neighbor, the Fitts family, was also unusual. Father, Colonel, was a gay, a closet queen with violent intention. Son, Ricky, was a kindly boy but sold marijuana. Mrs. Fitts was a poor housewife who seemed to lose her mind and always quiet. Ricky loved filming and started a new relationship with Jane. Colonel wanted to be loved, but he pretended that he was heterosexuality and maintained a normal family. The reason I choose this article is that the author’s points are value and profound. His analysis included each character, every problem from individuals, and how the movie successfully expressed symbolism.


593090223 羅叡琳



有網路之父之稱的GOOGLE 代理總經理Vint Cert認為,每個人都有自
Vint Cert也從這位司機身上,學到了不同的處事方法和態度。



Foreigner , Enjoy Taiwan !

Many people have experienced the feeling of confusion when
friends from other countries visit Taiwan. It is purely because
we do not know where to take them which can represent
Taiwanese culture and lifestyle. So we take them to 101 building
and museums but it is the smallest things we take it for granted
that really interest foreign tourists. For example, Taiwanese food,
drinks and etc. are widely welcomed by many foreigners.
There are many different types of food and beverages in Taiwan.
If you step a foot in night-market, you see Taiwanese jelly called
Ai Yu and Pearl milk tea which you can find around the world from
U.S. to France. Or even a glass of tea that was brewed by the
owner of the house may leave an impression on them.
Foreigners find lifestyle of Taiwanese curious and interesting.
We don’t take notice of Taiwanese style facial(Wuan Mien)
when we walk passed them but for tourists, it may be an new
and interesting experience to them. Or they might even be
questioning you why motorcyclists wear helmet and gauze
mask.We are now too used to the culture and lifestyle of Taiwan.
For foreigners, they are interested in the things that we are
accustomed to. Taiwan might not have better sightseeing
than other countries but we have small things that can also
attract tourists.

593090247 陳祈安

《Taipei Film Festival》台北電影節專欄


Aticle from《The Trigger》film novel

Quin is a super killer, but one day his wife has baby. It’s let him want to give up this bad work and give oneself up.
Hom is a senior high school student; he was born in a single parent family. The bad family relationship and break up with girlfriend, lets Hom disappointment, sad very much. Therefore, he join to kill crew.

In an accident, Quin meets Hom, and they become good friend, but this thing not only so simply. Between theirs women will into and to change Quin, Hom’s existence.

《The Trigger》is an actor-倪敏然’s the posthumous work, we not only appreciation director’s arrangement character overhead construction , from all artists also can touch everyone’s and human basic emotion.


Chinese to English

Calvin Klein Uderwear Sells Sexy

Calvin Klein Underwear already had 25 years. Advertising was a key to Klein's success. He stoked the media with controversy that kept his name in the news. He was the first to design women's underwear that looked like men's jockey shorts. His television ads for jeans starred child-star Brooke Shields, who exclaimed: "Nothing comes between me and my Calvins." In the process, Klein developed a reputation for pushing the envelope of acceptability in his campaigns. Ads of the mid-1990s featured underage teenagers in sexually provocative poses that were particularly risque, and were characterized by many as socially irresponsible. Dubbed "kiddie porn" by the press, the campaign was singled out by Forbes magazine as the worst marketing campaign of 1995.

GQ雜誌 133期 October 2007 p.76 Fantastic AD

English to Chinese

Mapex 土星系列套鼓-


80年代台灣曾經是打造西洋鼓的最大出口國,在這年代中台灣一堆鼓廠紛紛成立OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer,原始設備生產商)。

Mapex 土星系列屬於 Mapex的專業高級鼓組,除了能提供給專業人士必要的需求外,更能提昇專業人士的技術,楓木 / 胡桃木(maple / walnut)高熱結合的夾板,讓使用者同時感受到專業鼓組的雙重享受,I.T.S. (Isolated Tom Mount System) 中鼓分離裝置,將 I.T.S. 系統全面使用在中鼓支架、中鼓座、落地鼓腳、大鼓腳,3M大鼓保護貼紙,保護鼓組在使用上不被大鼓夾頭傷害……等等,整體設計使得使用者聽到的就是楓木所製造的完整渾圓音色與胡桃木所產生的重低音色。

MODERN DRUMMER Magazine September 2007 p.34 Product close-up
Mapex Saturn Series Plus Bass Rock 24 Kit

593090170 陳佳伶

English to Chinese

Strawberries in the Frame

From:Taiwan Review, October 2007. P.32-39


Motion and abstract:

Chinese to English

開放分享網路文化 專家就是你家 —維基百科台北年會 籌辦後記
Open to share Internet Culture, you are the expert.
After arrange an association of Wikipedia in Taipei.

資料來源:目擊者雜誌第60期 P.25-27

1. Someone who wants to set up the net like Wikipedia to share internet culture and audience who use the net to search information.
2. Before people who will join discussion room, they can know how to use this web. Therefore, open to share the net culture, anyone will know esteem diversified opinions.

Wikipedia is a kind of an encyclopedia on line. Most of us know it and use it often. It is a web which provides a lot of information and popular subjects on it. Every different subject has a space to discuss for someone who is interest in.
Wikipedia has various topics and plentiful knowledge, which have been suggested and discussed by some people. It doesn’t like traditional encyclopedia, which has lots of topics, such as biology, science, current events. An encyclopedia contains lots of research and historic experience. However, Wikipedia is that some people have the same ideas, they talk over, provide own views and achieve some plan. In addition, this web sets rules in order to avoid harmful effects. It will control illegal actions. Let users have a fine space to discuss. Whether, in any discuss room, you can provide your ideas, and you will also learn to listen to another’s opinions.
For me, on this web, I can know the popular subjects, lots of information in every average. If I want to look for some data, I will search the information what I want on this web. In addition to search information, I will skim what participators
share their ideas to others. What they discuss will let skimmer think of relational problems, and ponder it after read it.

593090091 程香菱

Philosophic Reflection on Modern Literatures and Films

In developing a philosophy to help overcome existential anxiety and facilitate personal accomplishment, one can consider modern literary works, especially those of Nobelists, and famous or award –winning films. In particular ,films based on literary works can stimulate the viewer into reflecting more deeply about life. This article shows how this process can occur. This essay is mainly divided into two parts. The first part analyzes four main kindsof modern-life anxieties shown in films and literatures, such as solitude, loneliness, disgrace and death. The second part observes literary authors and artists with the documentary films, which offers us a look into true emotions.




  • 英翻中

標題:Electronic paper(電子紙)





  • Chinese to English

Subject: 如何編輯出一本電子書(How edits an E-book)

Author: 薛良凱

From: 政府出版品簡訊電子報第36

Many people want to transact their works as an E-book. They often consider the difficulties and give up. Whatever the difficulties edit an E-book. As the case stands, to edit an E-book is really easy than edit on papers. To come out E-paper is easy. Publication of an E-book is conditional on to have a computer, to able keying in words and to use e-mail. Posting works to personal blog also can get out to the world.

Many people develop habits of reading and writing on screen with technology innovation. Present-day office worker expend time on screen is more than on paper for reading and writing.

Eyeballing screen is awful than adapting to read paper. E-book manifestations decide readers stop their eyeball on screen. Conventional film sites have HTML, PDF, CEB and ZNO etc. To show off works and to avoid be copped a lot rely on DRM. (Digital Rights Management)

Above all, come home market to reader is more important than the bells and whistles of exhibits. We can face what have to do for both the reader and ourselves.

593092625 謝家儀

English to Chinese

Subject: Ashlee work & travel in USA

That's me, Ashlee ! I joined Work & Travel program during my summer vacation in 2007 .I worked in Darien Lake Theme Resort Park as a food service. The location of the park is Buffalo of New York State.I will show a lot of photos to let you know how is my life in USA. There are many international students who come from different countries, for example, Russian、Colombia、 Poland、Romania、Turkey、Mexico and so on. We worked together everyday.

Although all of us come from different culture and we use English language which different accent to communicate , we can understand each other very well. It’s really interesting. After finishing my work I visited many place, for example , Niagara Falls、Milwaukee city of
Wisconsin、Chicago city and New York city. This trip is really awesome. It widened my field of vision. The most important thing is that I become really independent. And I would like to share my beautiful experience for everyone.

English to Chinese
主題:秘密花園- The Secret Garden


English to Chinese

Title:Turandot Comes Home Again








Chinese to English

The case analyse of Placement marketing



In recent years, Placement marketing is more popular with movie.

That is why I began to know Placement marketing gradually.

Have you ever watch the famous brand in the movie?

Maybe we could not detect immediately.

With time goes by, we perhaps remember the brand.

That is the magic power--- Placement marketing.


In addition to the movie, Placement marketing use in every interesting plot.

For example, anchorwoman not only beautiful but brand representativein contact lenses advertisement.

It attracts audience attention and goes public accelerated.

In the movie of Placement marketing, for example, GM cars provide 4 well-known cars to make full use of fast resources in Transformers.

Another business sponsor is DHL.

DHL not only Placement marketing in movie, Mission: Impossible III, but apply the conveyance of equipment by road.



Title:Michel Foucault

focus audience:various field

summary :

從小到大,在我們社會化的過程裡,舉凡家庭、學校、軍隊、工廠,甚至醫院,求同的呼聲與期許總是大於求異,甚至是其目標。那些與眾不同的人,成為師長、長官,或者說整個體制,欲除之而後快的障礙。這些機制利用各種技術對我們進行改造、約束、支配,讓我們害怕與別人不同,讓我們在與別人相同中得到安全感與認同感,以甘心放棄獨立性與獨特性。這些技術就是傅柯 (Michel Foucault, 1926-1984) 早、中期致力研究的支配技術,或說宰制技術。


Michel Foucault (October 15, 1926 – June 25, 1984) was a French philosopher, historian and sociologist. He held a chair at the Collège de France, giving it the title "History of Systems of Thought," and taught at the University of California, Berkeley.

He is very likes changing. He offers a various knowledge that attacks a lot of field.
Therefore, he breaks the fact of surface. More theories in his opinion are be changed by him.

He writes a mass of book. Including of 、<>、<>、<>、<>、.These book have been chosen to make a bible for Thought.

I want to relize the Foucault.He is a complete man.Otherwise,he gives me abundant thought.Including of my autobiography、thesis and works that is instilled Foucault’s
I write a thesis that title is The fake media under the black politics. The thesis describes politics effects media that becomes a very important issue of exploring the relationship between mass media and politics.
I hope to arouse voters to respect the politics by analyze, to recognize the truth and the fake, and to remind voters’ consciousness during the election.


英翻中 主題Aviation
Joseph和Etienne Montgolfier兩兄弟是法國人,出生於18世紀中葉,父親是造紙廠老闆。哥哥先用紙和水蒸氣製造熱氣球,未能成功。弟弟用硫酸和鐵屑製造氫氣來做氣球,也沒成功。萊特兄弟首航成功是在1903年12月17日,升空歷時12秒,飛航距離120英尺,大約相當於波音747的機翼長度。
中翻英 主題Computer Whiz Kid
Have a girl her name is Shen Xin-Ling, the age is so young, award and license had to lead but have been countless. Her primary school is grade three to start learning a computer, the primary school is grade five to install a website, and the professional license obtained up to now already more than 16. Also attend many righteousness work organization.She likes photographs , attend various cash award that the game gains, do to protect shell or frame for own work. Still photograph a work ownly, the income donates to the school for pay not to rise to collect a fund.


《The Perfect Summer Outing-A Refreshing Day at LinKou Sake Brewery》




Article from:《Taipei 21》film novel

《Taipei 21》is describe a couple’s story, they face to their life’s earthquake.

Hom & Jin they were couple in school, The time passes very quickly. After seven years Hom & Jin they all are working in this city. Jin is working in a clothing company, her boss must works as business to be heavy she .But she has her dreams and expectation. How about Hom? Theirs love and life will experience a test. Do they smoothly cross this gate?

Five years ago, when I just grating from senior school and into the community, I saw a film《Taipei 21》in SPOT, I was moved in this story, it’s simple but close my heart very much. The time passed, I see《Taipei 21》have different feeling and experience. Invariable is, 《Taipei 21》still touching story.

大傳四 593090326 柯政伶

原文來源:廣告Adm雜誌, 第163期 P92~P93
標題:Investigating the north, midland and the south city women

Following tradition and the three obedience and the four virtues is deep-rooted impression on women, but because ideological emancipation that make women have more strong ability, and they decide for herself that almost can keep abreast of men.

There are many women stars to become new epoch women imitating goal, because there are many product advertisers to invite them to be a spokesman.

And we can find that there is a big change of Taiwan women image. It is not just change on outside image but also women have her ideal and opinion for any things. Confidence and break traditional, it is a new thinking and changing in values. They hope to be a new epoch woman of having indigenous confidence and externals.

【英 翻 中】

而他們能在眾家運動品牌林立的市場上擄掠消費者的心,這不僅僅需要在產品的品質上用心,更重要的是它的行銷手法。好的行銷手法常常就可以為產品帶來無限的商機,以NIKE的廣告來說,他們常常利用廣告名句來吸引消費者,而最有名的例子應該就屬許多人琅琅上口的「just do it」。當然這只是他們冰山一角的例子,從他們的廣告文化,了解他們如何利用多元的廣告策略和元素吸引消費者。

Irene Huang

到底什麼是Medical Spa?與現今當紅的醫學美容有何不同?完全顛覆目前醫學美容以醫學為主、美容為輔的配合方式,將醫學美容療程與美容課程全面性的結合。

Cosmetology from Taiwan
The《Nation beauty magazine》to serve to the cosmetology specialized domain had 22 years long time. Due to globalization .We always sale the 《Nation beauty magazine》and some professed books, and give best service of the cosmetology specialized domain. We always guided the cosmetic company and professional of cosmetology to attend the exhibition of professional cosmetology to every country. So we easy to make friends with the cosmetic company and professional of cosmetology around the world. And we have best relationship with them. Now we need to make a book include all of the cosmetic company for overseas market that can provide them who want to find the cosmetic company in Taiwan can give them OEM or ODM serve to make their products.
The book must to find the cosmetic company in Taiwan first. I would to sale the advertising and need to charge the ad-rate. It is not finish now. So, I am very sorry!I can’t give the link with the article.

593090388 林書歆



The authority of body language argues that over 90% of communication between man and woman do not need to talk; we can through the method of touch each other that we will understand the massage from each other. We can make use of the body language to promote each other’s emotion when we are understood. One of body language between man and woman is embrace. Some while, we need a simple action—embrace rather than said a lot of words. For instance, when we were after work, maybe you were unhappy because just scolds by your boss or the advertiser doesn’t like your motion, walk beside your honey and sit, let your head on he or her thighs, you can say anything but will be happy soon. Thin is the magic thing of embrace between man and woman.

【The sad, wonderful, complicated life of Charles M. Schulz】

大衛米奇琳日前出了一本傳記,是關於史努比的作者,已故天才創銷漫畫作家Charles M. Schulz的故事,內容說到Schulz那如此哀傷,卻又如此美麗的人生,是如何突破重重困難,創造出許多生動可愛的角色,進而說出許多如童言童語又富含道理的話來;從默默無名,當兵時母親過逝,徹底嘗到孤單滋味的他,到畫出大人小孩都喜歡,可說是卡通界流行人物的漫畫,與其中之間的關係。書中也訪問到作家的親友們,一同來談論在他們心目中的Schulz是個什麼樣的人,讓所有書迷們一解心目中那關於"小狗與小主人"之間的秘密。

593090106 蔡修芳


Land of Styles

《Time Magazine》用「風格之境」這幾個字來形容泰國,泰國設計師躍上國際舞台,從家具、時裝、珠寶到生活商品,全世界睜大眼睛注目。巴黎知名時裝評論家Pernet說,「曼谷設計師有巴黎或米蘭看不到的驚人熱情。」PRADA亞太區執行長S. Suhl更指出,「曼谷是現在亞洲城市中,唯一能讓我們有大夢想的城市。它有最令人震驚、最具潮流感的國內品牌,亞洲除了日本之外,其他國家看不到。」
當我發現國際設計資訊雜誌Wallpaper有泰文版卻沒有中文版的時候這個變化令我為之震撼,拋開報導中提及的時尚產業,泰國的新銳設計品牌Propaganda就是一個非常好的例子,他們的商品以幽默、原創為起點,除了餐具,廚房,衛浴用品,還有文具,燈飾,幾乎都是生活中隨手可拾的小物件,不但連續獲得德國,美國Good Design Award設計大獎,也是歐洲商展唯一入選進入歐洲館展出的亞洲品牌,並接連在英國,日本,台灣,香港,美國,德國,法國造成一波不小的風潮。

KUNTZEL + DEYGAS 2 dogs conquer the whole world

In 1990, KUNTZEL were selected as advertisement design director, one of 100 most creative persons in France; and he with a traditional animation graphic designer DEYGAS established “ADD A DOG” design studio. They own and operate an art studio in Paris; the “CAPERINO&PEPERONE” is the most success and make people impression deepest work.
They are French and they have been making eye-catching digital video work since 1990, using classical tools and systems, and mixing in real drawings, objects and animation, such a risk, but they bring up today's success.
There are many of the projects some are for real, like the sprightly, some are for sixties-tinged opening titles for Steven Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can. Some are just for fun, like their Com-Pet, a robot that serves as a virtual dog, to aid communication between people in situations where dogs aren't allowed.
The partnership describes its work as Drawing + motion + photo + objects + video + print + dance + set design + CG effects, and they insist on connections with the plus sign, to indicate that We can jump from simplicity to sophistication. In any case, they do more than design: in almost every case, they create lively, engrossing characters that tell a story, whether the client is a musician like Beatrice Ardisson or Bertrand Burgalet, or a product like YSL perfume, British HSBC Bank or Coca-Cola Japan. The stars of this publication are the irresistible team of dogs, Caperino & Peperone, who scamper over the products of French style merchant Colette. An inspiring journey into the minds of a unique partnership, Kuntzel + Deygas.


客家研究的思考Reflections on Hakka Studies
When I decided to understand Hakka Studies or Hakkaology, I still ask myself what is important about Hakka to study? I hoped that can let me find answers from this paper, and I believe it could be better for my future’s development.
In this paper, we will understand Hakka studies. The researcher will seek to delineate what are required fir Hakka Studies as an academic discipline, educational institutions, and social servive for the Hakka. Finally, we can scrutinize Hakka Studies faces the challenges, and give some suggestions for the future.

Hakka Culture in Taiwan台灣客家文化


In Her Shoes
別讓你(妳)的生命有 太多的來不及
Don't let too much lateness exists in your life .
We always have too much lateness.
We thought time will wait for us, and allow us to start from the beginning to make it up.
However, "Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
here's always disasters happening unexpected. you have no where to hide; don't have enough time to fear; emotionally crashed down; and no strength to handle them.
The only thing we can do is to protect our valuable things in our hearts when there's still chance and time and never let go even in a second.
This passage is very close to my thoughts in the deep of my heart

593090508 張雅惠

Controversial Honor, Michael Schumacher

The name「Michael Schumacher」is so famous. But I never watch any competition about him. Until Italy of the 2006 season, I feel deeply the charm of him and the enthusiasm of race at first time. It really makes me crazy. And this day, Michael Schumacher who is the greatest Formula One driver, announce the message which the god of the Formula One would be leave the races. In his 16-year Formula One career, the fastest man all over the world record setting seven championships and 91 Grand Prix wins. Schumacher make Ferrari which never celebrate the victory around the twenty year become the top team of the Formula One. He enables Formula One to become one of popular sport in Germany and effect a huge economical benefit. From day to now, the contribution of everlasting myth about Schumacher doesn’t ponder toward racing car.



Changing The Formula

幾個月來,賽車新聞裡出現 國籍台灣的「林帛亨」已接受中國A1GP車隊邀請的消息傳出,台灣車迷一陣驚喜,這是很多車手做為晉升賽車界最高領域「一級方程式錦標賽」的跳板。心想,林帛亨…會是下一個舒馬克嗎?

一級方程式錦標賽(Formula One)是由FIA國際汽車聯盟在1950年起所舉辦的The FIA World Championship開始,至今已有50多年的歷史。F1的存在與蓬勃發展促使汽車開拍等相關行業的景氣復甦,也刺激各車隊研發更穩定的產品與技術;同時間,也將此世界級競賽結合運動推廣與娛樂,推至更大眾化的趨向,F1產生的巨星效應,也為各個主辦國帶來可觀的周邊商業效應。50年了,這50年究竟讓F1成長多少?

資料來源 : TIME Magazine

593090417 高薏蕎

英文文章 : Summer time fresh fruit and Drinks
資料來源:Discover Taipei
中文摘要: 在忙碌的生活中,很少人一天會攝取五種水果的營養。台灣位於亞熱帶國家,有豐沛的雨量,台灣可以生產超過三十種的水果,在高海拔的地方產出的水果有蘋果,梨子和桃子,而在低海拔產出的水果有橘子,檸檬,蓮霧,香蕉,鳳梨, 荔枝,芒果,木瓜和芭樂。芒果的產季五月到十一月,鳳梨的產地在嘉義,荔枝的歷史可是追溯到楊貴妃時期,據說楊貴妃很愛荔枝,楊桃的產地在彰化,楊桃的耕種已經有三百多年的歷史,最近出口到俄羅斯和澳洲,屏東的蓮霧是最有名的,西瓜是夏天最受歡迎的水果,他的水分高達百分之九十二,很消署。水果除了直接食用之外,還可以打成果汁,果汁可以補充人體的維他命C和維他命A,除了果汁外,水果還可以加牛奶打成各種不同的牛奶,在通話街就有一家只要三十元就可以買到的果汁牛奶喔!

英文摘要:Percentage hundred pure New Zealand, being possible be called is a state which the southern hemisphere most glistens, mentions New Zealand, pure, the nature, does not have the pollution as well as the unique natural beautiful scene, likely is leaps forward in consciously people's mind, also among deep brand mark. Has “the physical geography classroom” fine reputation New Zealand, from mountain to plain, glacier to volcano, fjord and coastline, cover rain forest and so on, each difference really big geographical environment, but ingeniously fuses actually on New Zealand this land, the development makes the unique view which one shocks, every year attracts the global passenger who takes place of the fallen to visit. The upper air bounces, sprays the speed boat, the dugout canoe, the glacier healthy line…And so on, all kinds of aquatic, land activity, lets Mr. to choose.
Auckland may say is enters New Zealand's gateway, the national industry and commerce center is the New Zealand's first big city. SKY TOWER Is located the New Zealand first big city - Auckland 328 meters to stand tall and erect into the sky, SKY TOWER is the southern hemisphere highest building, and the day void tower also is the world 12th high building, is also higher than Paris's Eiffel Tower and Sydney's AMP tower. Waitomo Glowworm Caves the firefly hole already started in 100 years ago for the world to go to New Zealand's passengers to provide travel of the unforgettable firefly. Waiheke Islands the beautiful sand beach islands, on these 92 square kilometers islands, has the bush jungle, the beautiful vineyard, the Chinese olive woods which not yet opens up wasteland, as well as depends on the sea the hamlet, the tourist may rent a dugout canoe to roam through marine, or rides a horse, rides the bicycle everywhere to explore, wants with ease to go forth to battle the human may participate in travel of the explorer bus, is both leisurely and carefree and may enjoy the good food, the good wine relaxed travel.



Three little pigs
This story is about three little pigs how to made they own house,and in story has a bad wolf,this wolf was so hungry,when the wolf found this three little pigs it want blow down their own house,the first pig ’ s house is made of straw the second pig ’ s house made of wood the third pig ’ s house made of brick,the first and the second pig ’ s house was by wolf blow down and this two pigs run to their brother ’ s house,the wolf want blow this house down,but this house was made of brick so he can ’ t blow it down,so he climb the roof and down the chimney he fall into the fire,and then the three pigs live happily ever after.


Title: Dark or Bright for Taiwan’s Publication Industry Ten years Future

On November, 2006 at a night, the author opened email, knows “Mun Sang Newspaper” will be ceased publication. The thing awakes him, Rex How, feeling very depressed because of the publisher symbolic Publication industry and readership is declining.

On February, 2007 Taipei international book exhibition, Hao meeting a copyright agent company business, there is talking about the market of these years. The disease of that Taiwan publisher just buying foreign copyright book for long time, making Taiwan not only “Advanced payment” but also “year settlement royalty” index, are higher than the mainland.

According to my working experience, since economic recession, no matter the student or parents hasn’t any extra money to buy extracurricular reading, indirect influence middle or lower reaches the books breaking off rate year after year raised.

The author thought Taiwan’s publication industry just like fall into the ravine, and how long can arrested the spread of the publish adversity.







593090120 陳躍中

Interview Fuzzyeyes Studio that creates “EOT”.

Animation in Taiwan is always unable to stand out conspicuously at international, in fact, animation company in Taiwan has already manufactured some animation for Hollywood, for example, Pixar Animation Studios and Disney Animation Studios, In other words a person of talent in Taiwan is as well as foreign animation painter.
And this studio, Fuzzyeyes Studio, was originated by Sonny who was born in Taiwan at 2001 in Aussie. The studio researched and developed many online game, for example HotDogs HotGals and Uluru Fun Park which sold in North America and Europe over three million .



593090649 蔡明政

英文主題: TURNING THE VORNER(by Chris Mauro)
這是一篇有關於衝浪板製程的報導,內容不只是專注在衝浪板的製造流程,由於世界最大製造衝浪板內蕊的CLARK公司,2005年底忽然的宣佈倒閉,造成許多製板商的衝擊,在能源缺乏的狀況,又在對衝浪板品質的堅持下,許多的新一代衝浪板被開發出來,以前的傳統材質單一性,現在運用科技利用機器,所做出來的多元化衝浪板,對於選手及一般使用者 ,或多或少都有選板的迷惑,當然新的科技所製造出的衝浪板多少顛覆了傳統的缺點,但其價格也是一款比一款貴,另外在東南亞的部份,由於許多工廠都外移至此,員工技術及原料都不比美國來的優良,而在大量生產下,對於衝浪板產業也是一大考驗,本篇主題探討了新科技帶來的影響及大量生產的利弊,相信對一支半解的衝浪人會有作用。

中文主題: 商業體制下的失焦紀錄片
Since we are living in the global village, in order to express our opinion and let others accept ,we have to learn how to make good communication

We all known that all of human activities are throught communication to finish. Now, there are many good ways of communication to express our opinion and idea, one of the way is documentary.

documentary is included Art and Communication,not only picture and words, but also true story and body language. Through the skill of taking film by director ,we can see the true story which is combined art aptly. We can realize many things which we had naver seen or heared even we never take concern like 無米樂.

As the global village are becomming more and more commercial activities, documentaryis made by more and more different technique from before. The truthfulness is faced challenges. Now, let us read the artical to arouse our idea.




It come from Taiwan Cinema Note. The author went to Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague(FAMU). The college is arts school. It's has three college include music, movie and drama. She learn movie and international course. The school arrange theory and practice course. It's include movie, record, video, drama. In addition, she also visit Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. It's the best International Film Festival of Czech Republic. She also introduce her life and learn language of Czech Republic. In her life, she felt advance in technology, encourage inspiration in other place , undergo an experience of life in depth, observe herself and other people is the most important part for create movie.


The Art
這是一個介紹台灣的藝術,在台灣有各式各樣的藝術文化散落於台灣各地,例如博物館有臺北當代藝術館, 國立臺灣美術館, 高雄市立美術館, 鴻禧美術館, 朱銘美術館..等。畫廊, 龍門畫廊, 愛力根畫廊, 誠品畫廊, 臺灣畫廊, 敦煌藝術中心。文中也詳細的介紹發展史,起源。也詳細的介紹了相關作品,展覽過的東西,譬如,兵馬俑秦文化特展,是在2001年1月到3月。當時也造成台灣的一股轟動。美索不達米亞羅浮宮兩河流域珍藏展是在2001年3月到7月…等許多的展覽。這些都是一個具有歷史價值的展覽。在這需多元化的藝術作品中,以及國際級的展覽表演。也清楚的告訴了我們,台灣也是一個國際化的藝術氣息。



這本小說是在1897年出版的,它代表了作者Herbert George Wells的典型科幻小說,人們發明了讓人隱形的機器,而Wells也像是扮演了科學上的發明家。隱形人不單有小說,更有電影,劇情一樣帶著詭異,及恐怖的感覺,這也是這部小說最吸引人之處。讓人們想像著若自己隱形起來可以作什麼,似乎可以為所慾為,顯現出人性可怕的一面。

Liao-zai is kind of teratology in the ancient China. I think that is very interesting to transfer traditional story, even I already knew that is tough to do that. Liao-zai includes many special materials like magic, ghost, deity and immortal fox.

I choose two stories from Lizo-zai, the first one is“Justice Lu”, the story is talk about a Justice from hell and makes a friend with a man named Er-Dan Zhu. Justice Lu made Er-Dan Zhu very smart, but Zhu demands more and more, even change his wife's head.

The second story is "Taoist from Mountain Lao", talk about a man wants to learn some supernatural power, and go to the Mountain Lao to find taoist . But he doesn't want to bear with the tough train. Lastly, even he take one supernatural power to home, he can't use the power.


被偷的世代─羅伯 馬尼


Chia-Tung Lee
Mr.Zhang is a doctor specialize in cancer. He does not like the easy comfortable life at all.One day, he suddenly told me that he had cancer and only have a few months to live. Soon after, he passed away.I was wondering at that time, why he left in such a short period?Since his professional medication background would definitely make sure he had the best medication and his cancer would have just been the early region only.When Mr.Zhang's son had his speech on Mr.Zhang's funeral, he told us a story that no one else have known before. Mr.Zhang did not have any medical treatment at all. Mr.Zhang's son played a video tape in the church. In the film, it illustrated the true fact that there are 25 million people had AIDS in Africa, and none of them had the chance to have any medical treatment. Even thought there do have the medicine for AIDS in Europe and American, the Africans are too poor to afford this kind of medication. Mr.Zhang love his life, but he would not let his life affect any one else. He would not like to be too healthy, the healthy the cancer is.
My motivation to select this story to translate is because its educational value. It teach us the value of the life. Through out the story, we get to face the fact of death by their story. An good attitude toward life and love were also been presented in the story. It is a wonderful story that will remind us to always reevaluate our own life and love and make sure we have always been on the way we love to..

593090053 郭天音



根據演化邏輯,領導者在跟隨的個體之中其策略性交互作用的結果概念不同。尚未補充的, 解決再發生的協調問題的決定規則。


《I want to go to......》

In the past three years, I've been many cities and countries. I want to share these beautiful landscapes and every touching momemt when I took each picture.

You can feel romantic Spain, discover glamorous Yunnan and Hong Kong, enjoy Beijing's historical cultural and, of course Taiwan!

593090443 劉士銘

Oliver Twist 孤雛淚

Athletic photographing

I desire to take great photo. Few months ago, I just bought my first own DSLR and I couldn’t wait to know some useful skills and tips which could teach me to take great photos. Here is one of the most interesting articles to teach a beginner how to use your DSLR in some special situation to take awesome photos.
It is important that choosing a better position to set your photos while you join a competition or ball games. Though if you want to take nice athletic pictures, you must understand the game and be patient to wait for the best timing to press the shutter. Otherwise, while you are in a competition, all athletes are moving very fast so you have to get ready to focus on the next position to catch photos.