Friday, October 26, 2007

592090173 王別誠

(1) 主題: 中國大陸的環境在全球化的世界下
China’s environment in a globalizing world
就空氣污染來說,造成空氣污染的最大原因是因為工業的廢棄氣體污染.在土地污染方面,都市化的問題和土地的其他用途,例如採礦和森林管理.這些是造成農田減少的原因. 用水品質在中國大陸是不足和持續降低的,由於工業和都市廢棄水源的排放以及殺蟲劑和肥料的影響. 再者,中國大陸平均每人的水資源用量是全球平均的四分之一.幾乎沿海的水源也是遭到污染的,主要是因為來自陸地和其他海運活動所造成的.進一步來說,海洋的污染和過度的捕抓魚類造成了魚類存量受到傷害並且自然的收穫量正在持續的減少.因為這些的污染源,生物的多樣性已經受到了傷害和絕種的危機.


(2)Title: Ten things that everyone can do for environment
Target group: general reader
Everyone one can do ten things to protect the environment. “To protect our environment” is not a slogan; everyone can practice it. There are ten things that teach us how to protect our environment in day-to-day.
1. First, people can change the light bulb. In Seattle, they use the compact fluorescent lamp instead of the old light bulb. The life cycle of the compact fluorescent lamp is eight to fifteen times of the old ones. One of the weakness is that is more expensive.
2. Second, people can eat more vegetable. If everyone can eat more vegetable, it is good for environment and health.
3. Moreover, people can drink water at home instead of the bottle water. The bottle water generates plenty of carbon sins, while they are produced and delivered to another place.
4. Also, resident need to care about the use of the public power, such as traffic signal. The life cycle of the light emitting diodes can last five years and it is four times of the old ones.
5. Fifth, the driver can turn right on red. No turn on red will waste the energy and waste people’s time. Also, it results in air pollution which can influence resident’s health.
6. Then, the development does not mean progress. After the highway is built, the store, the restaurant, and parking lot are built subsequently. However, it changes the natural environment.
7. Next, people can choose some habit which can reduce burden for the globe. One of the habits will not waste the gas. On the other hand, it discharges people’s sweat. However, it is good for the natural environment.
8. Eighth, people can reduce the usage of paper. If everyone can use the recycled paper, we could save millions of trees.
9. Ninth, consumers should purchase products, before looking for the tag on the product. Customers can purchase organic food and products, because it is good for our globe.
10. At last, people can consider about green building. The green building uses the concept of saving the energy, which can persuade people to use more natural light, and save water and electricity.
If everyone can try their best to do those ten things, the environment would be better and better.
Reference: 全行銷知識庫

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