Thursday, October 25, 2007


In the filed of fashion, Chanel builds a serial of fancy collections which make women’s beauty more harmonious and elegant than they can ever dream. In a point of civil view, it is interesting that how she can establish this fashion kingdom and lasts for more than 100 years of its irreplaceable position.
Legendary fashion queen, Chanel, starts her career from clothes. However, her talent of “Total Look” which includes clothes from top to toe and how you will look like makes every woman appealing. Her products also include perfume and make-up. These goods take care of every woman’s from outside to inside.
The ways of sales and administration of a company are always the keys to the success. The experience and points of view from Ms. Chanel gives every girl a lesson. Whatever you starts your career or not, her attitude and persevere should be always kept in mind.

Making a Ruckus in the Music Business
摘要到底音樂數位化所帶來的影響有多大,而當音樂數位化成為不可阻擋的風潮時,又能從中獲得多少商機? 數位化之後,衍生的版權問題更是將音樂數位化後所直接面臨到的問題。乍看數位化的音樂成長幅度,逐年增加,但總體音樂(傳統跟數位)音樂的販賣營業額卻是減少。這不是意味聽音樂的人變少,而是數位音樂本身的便利性,使得消費者更容易輕忽版權。所幸,數位音樂的保護機制,持續發展,以配合數位化音樂的銷售並且避免消費者侵犯版權。而數位化音樂的銷售模式,跟傳統音樂的銷售截然不同,只要能找出適合的銷售方式,並且配合完善的數位音樂保護機制,數位化音樂仍然能帶來大量商機。

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