CNEX 的名字是由「華人新世代」的英文 Chinese Next 組合而成的。CNEX,具體是一個由兩岸三地熱愛中華文化的專業人士組成的民間組織,致力於全球範圍內華人紀實文藝的開發合作與交流推廣。
在大變遷的全球化時代, CNEX將以全球華人文化的共同利益為紐帶,在促進和諧社會的總體目標下,通過在全球紀實文藝領域的協同與合作、溝通與交流、分享與互利,促進國際社會與 華人群體的文化交流,讓中華新文明的精神和觀點可以傳播到全世界每一角落,讓世界更好地瞭解華人、讓華人更好地融入世界。
獨立運作, 由民間所發起的組織機構,目前由幾家單位共同推動:
- 年度主題
CNEX每年選定一個與現代華人相關的主題,邀請國際專業人士提供相關知名影片與深度論述文章,並在網絡上徵集作品,號召全球華人圍繞該主題,以影像、文 字等形式進行紀錄、詮釋和論述,通過評選和交流,共同創造出該年度深具影響力的文化作品。 06-07年度的主題設定為 $ :與金錢相關的社會現象、人物、事件和觀念。
- CNEX文件盛典
CNEX文件盛典是一個長期的年度視覺徵集與展演計劃:CNEX每年選定一個與當代華人密切相關的主題,邀請視覺作品與學術專文,並在網絡上征件,號召全 球華人針對這個主題進行描述、響應、表達、對話,共同創造出圍繞該年度主題的文化產品。每年年中,計劃舉辦CNEX文件盛典,邀集各方針對年度主題提出概 念、論述、圖像、展演……通過彼此欣賞、交談、互動,由下而上、由外而內,歸納出該年度華人的文化精神動向與意識焦點--期待藉由年度主題的累積,形成一 年一度的影像嘉年華會,在充滿無限可能的CNEX新視代生態系中,慶祝華人的新力量!CNEX預計藉由年度文件盛典的舉辦,留住華人在21世紀初期的發展 軌跡,成為下一代茁壯的備忘錄。
- 出版與推廣
CNEX將邀請兩岸三地知名文化評論家與社會觀察家,針對年度主題組織論壇、發表深度論述文章;通過文件展、大專院校與文藝場所、國際影展與電視節、海外 華人社區,以及和各類平面與電子媒體協作,傳播CNEX所彙集的紀實文藝作品、研發成果和動態信息。所有的文字報告和影像作品,最終將製成系列出版物。
Connecting NEXt, Collecting NEXt, Creating NEXt, Chinese NEXt
CNEX is the short form of 「Chinese Next」. CNEX is a non-profit organization founded by a group of professionals, from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, who are passionate about Chinese culture. It is devoted to the production and promotion of documentaries related to the Chinese people.
In a time of rapid changes and globalization, CNEX promotes worldwide communication and cooperation in documentary making. CNEX facilitates cultural exchange between China and the rest of the world, and strives to spread the spirit and ideas of new Chinese culture.
CNEX provides a platform of supports for and exchanges among Chinese documentary filmmakers by organizing and coordinating international cultural activities, both of independent initiatives or securing supports from governments. It aims to help more professionals in the effort of preserving cultures of Chinese communities, in the forms of visual and audio documents. CNEX hopes to establish and develop a library of global Chinese nonfiction work, and to enhance a sustainable strategy for the contemporary Chinese documentary making.
Funding Sources
CNEX collaborates with nonprofit organizations and continue to seek for sponsorship from corporates for funding its operations and activities. Premium sponsors of CNEX including the Chinatimes Cultural and Educational Foundation and other private donation.
CNEX Affiliation
CNEX is an independent NPO supported by the following organizations:
Beijing International Exchange Association, Professor Jean May Tsiang Foundation, and CNEX Foundation Limited
CNEX Core Activities
- Annual Theme for production and exhibition
Every year, based on a chosen theme relevant to the contemporary Chinese people, CNEX will invite international documentary films, articles, publications, and art works through online submission of independent productions, and calls for Chinese around the world to document, interpret and discuss the theme. With these activities, CNEX aims to produce, collect, and disseminate the year』s most influential works and cultural activities. The theme of 2007 is 「Money」. With the theme, any notable social phenomena, portrait of individuals, incidents or ideas related to money can be targeted. - CNEX Documenta
The CNEX Documenta is a long-term annual program that invites and exhibits visual works. Each year, based on the chosen theme of the year, CNEX organizes a series of activities to explore and create the most influential cultural works and events of the year, climaxing in the CNEX Documenta. The Documenta is held in the mid-year and invitations will be sent for thoughts, discussions and images on the theme of the year. Through the appreciation, conversation, and interaction among participants, CNEX hopes to distill the spiritual bearing and cultural focus of contemporary Chinese societies. In this brand-new space full of possibilities, CNEX celebrates the newborn vitality of the Chinese people. By holding the annual Documenta, CNEX hopes to preserve the development history of the Chinese people at the beginning of the 21st century, which may serve as a memoir for our future generations. - Publication and Promotion
CNEX will invite well-known commentators and cultural experts from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong for composing in-depth articles or participating forums on the annual theme. It will also promote the documentaries, the collated intellectual achievements and updated information through various forms of exhibitions on universities campuses, cultural venues, international film and TV festivals, overseas Chinese communities, as well as forms of new media. Productions of audio and visual works will be distributed in series of publications in order to reach a broader set of audience both domestically and internationally.
A themed video laboratory. A space for never-ending dialogues.
Every idea has left its trace in the flow of time;
Every dream has left its own mark in the space;
Every image is an articulate expression on the podium;
Every culture is a classic paradigm on the screen.
With Global vision, local insight, we
Connecting NEXt, Collecting NEXt, Creating NEXt for Chinese NEXt;
Calling for fresh Chinese visual documents.
CNEX is here..
That hasn』t been recorded yet will eventually be seen by all,
That hasn』t been revealed yet will eventually play out,
All to be discovered by CNEX.
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