1.Title:「小畢的故事」 Growing Up (novel revise script )
2.Abstract / Motive:
The movie obtain the best movie file award, the best director at the twenty Golden Horse award(金馬獎) in 1983; 「Growing Up」obtain the good booking office and favorable comment that take shape by the new movie wave. It describe a growing story to a boy in the countryside. 鈕承澤play the leading role 小畢, 庹宗華is a guest performer childhood of小畢, 張純芳play the part his mother that play young to old, 崔福生play the part his foster father. The movie is represent a important start to Taiwan’s new movie style.
The movie is represent Taiwan’s new movie style that me be worth to see. But also the scenario to describe the countryside for tradition society in Taiwan that revoke my curiosity for countryside life by life in the city of me.
The movie obtain the best movie file award, the best director at the twenty Golden Horse award(金馬獎) in 1983; 「Growing Up」obtain the good booking office and favorable comment that take shape by the new movie wave. It describe a growing story to a boy in the countryside. 鈕承澤play the leading role 小畢, 庹宗華is a guest performer childhood of小畢, 張純芳play the part his mother that play young to old, 崔福生play the part his foster father. The movie is represent a important start to Taiwan’s new movie style.
The movie is represent Taiwan’s new movie style that me be worth to see. But also the scenario to describe the countryside for tradition society in Taiwan that revoke my curiosity for countryside life by life in the city of me.
3.Data from:
English to Chinese
1.Title:Taiwan’s next generation of filmmakers『台灣新世代電影導演 』
1.Title:Taiwan’s next generation of filmmakers『台灣新世代電影導演 』
2.Abstract :
在台灣的年輕的世代,電影製片人被當作業餘的嘲弄。現今台灣電影產業不如以往繁榮,商業票房和吸金度,已經變成新ㄧ代電影製作人生存上必須面對的問題。 而在台灣電影節鼓勵獎賞下,台灣電影得到新生機會,不僅輔助了台灣電影產業的基金,而且催生更多優質的台灣電影。另一方面這項台灣電影節活動,也間接推廣台灣電影給文藝青年欣賞,達到宣傳之功效。
在台灣的年輕的世代,電影製片人被當作業餘的嘲弄。現今台灣電影產業不如以往繁榮,商業票房和吸金度,已經變成新ㄧ代電影製作人生存上必須面對的問題。 而在台灣電影節鼓勵獎賞下,台灣電影得到新生機會,不僅輔助了台灣電影產業的基金,而且催生更多優質的台灣電影。另一方面這項台灣電影節活動,也間接推廣台灣電影給文藝青年欣賞,達到宣傳之功效。
3.Data from:【Discover Taipei 】http://english.taipei.gov.tw/web/upload/115820402340500.pdf
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