Title: Globalizing Chinese martial arts cinema: the global-local alliance and the production of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
使中國武術電影院全球化: 全球地方聯盟和《臥虎藏龍》的製作
Author: Huaiting Wu & Joseph Man Chan
From: Huaiting Wu-Joseph & Man Chan(2007).Globalizing martial arts cinema: the global-local alliance and the production of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Media Culture & Society,Vol29(2):195-217.
電影藝術是一種世界語言,一部好的電影不只演藝人員舉世流芳而是整個國家的民族文化都為之弘揚生色。但是,在科技發展與全球化的政治正確趨勢之下,促使文化工業生產結構性改變。在全球資本主義重組的時空裡,資訊以及文化產品的生產與傳佈,越來越偏向中心化的發展。 異於許勒所指的「全球市民社會」,文化權力是掌握在閱聽人手中,生產文化商品的國際集團無法控制閱聽人的意志。這段話值得深思,果真如此嗎?對於未來可能身為媒體人的我們,不應對全球化下的媒體文化發展有所認識嗎?
以使用漢語全球性巨作《臥虎藏龍》做為例子,該文研究針對東方文化如何全球化以對抗文化帝國主義理論預言可能性。首先,當地明星的全球化被視為扭轉文化流動的首要條件。 其次,一個全球性地方聯盟的形成,包括地方和全球網路所組成的公司和專業人士扮演著一個重要角色。
Chinese to English
About Schiller, H and Ferguson, M. to criticize the globalization theories.
作者:劉世鼎 (Liu Shih Diing )
Because of the high dissemination, the communication and the technical development that brings the multi-dimensional migration, the circulation, the charm and the disputation in globalization. Takes advantage of understanding the criticism between the local mass media dissemination and the cultural researcher.
Roughly there are two kinds of views in the media culture under globalization:
1. Cultural producers (program) and consumers (audience) the relation of power seem to be equal. No phenomenon of rule will be appeared.
2. In space-time recombinated in the global capitalism, the production and spreading of the information and cultural production lead to develop more and more centre.
We might to be worked in media in the future.We should know the cultural development of media in globalization, don't you?
Recently mainstream media in Taiwan begin to discuss with the globalization and connect mass communication question. But the globalization indicates meaning and the nature as well as how to understand the globalization critically still defines clearly for further. The article introduced the globalizing question understanding by Schiller,H and Ferguson,M in summary. As well as the process they how to ponder the globalization concept “problematise” again.
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