The authority of body language argues that over 90% of communication between man and woman do not need to talk; we can through the method of touch each other that we will understand the massage from each other. We can make use of the body language to promote each other’s emotion when we are understood. One of body language between man and woman is embrace. Some while, we need a simple action—embrace rather than said a lot of words. For instance, when we were after work, maybe you were unhappy because just scolds by your boss or the advertiser doesn’t like your motion, walk beside your honey and sit, let your head on he or her thighs, you can say anything but will be happy soon. Thin is the magic thing of embrace between man and woman.
【The sad, wonderful, complicated life of Charles M. Schulz】

大衛米奇琳日前出了一本傳記,是關於史努比的作者,已故天才創銷漫畫作家Charles M. Schulz的故事,內容說到Schulz那如此哀傷,卻又如此美麗的人生,是如何突破重重困難,創造出許多生動可愛的角色,進而說出許多如童言童語又富含道理的話來;從默默無名,當兵時母親過逝,徹底嘗到孤單滋味的他,到畫出大人小孩都喜歡,可說是卡通界流行人物的漫畫,與其中之間的關係。書中也訪問到作家的親友們,一同來談論在他們心目中的Schulz是個什麼樣的人,讓所有書迷們一解心目中那關於"小狗與小主人"之間的秘密。
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