Thursday, October 25, 2007

593090338 何宜學

A Bathing Ape
大綱 :
Nigo是一位DJ也是A Bathing Ape品牌的創始人,他原本是在東京原宿開店,店內販售的都是限 量T-Shirt以及限量玩具。設計都是以猿人為主要特色,也因為他特別的設計使年輕人喜歡上他的品牌,因為每件商品沒有生產很多,使得年輕人要用排隊的方式購買,也因為這樣慢慢創造出新的行銷手法。也日本當紅藝人在節目中有搭配該品牌服飾,使A Bathing Ape慢慢嶄露頭角。
最經典的一次合作是A Bathing Ape跟百事可樂合作生產可樂瓶身印有A Bathing Ape經典迷彩圖案,讓許多死忠A Bathing Ape紛紛搶購,接下來Nigo結識了美國繞舌歌手Pharrell、Jay-Z提供他們穿戴A Bathing Ape商品使A Bathing Ape成功吸引美國年輕人的注意,從此打開了世界的市場。我會選這篇介紹日本街頭品牌A Bathing Ape創始人Nigo的文章,是因為我很喜歡他設計的個性人物還有該品牌成功的行銷手法。因為我的夢想也是創造一個服飾品牌。
A Bathing Ape的行銷策略相當成功,透過新生代當紅藝人代言以及跟其他產品合作聯名商品增加話題性,從日本東京原宿成功打入世界各地,如美國、英國、香港、台灣等國家。每次只要發售新的商品,就會吸引年輕人動員排隊購買。也因為品牌經營得很成功,使他在三十歲就成為億萬富翁。

Designing should follow time- Discuss the influence designed to the artistic illustration in development of technology simply

綱 :

Art needs the individuality; of course, the design also needs the individuality. In this digital generation, there are more and more design needs to have the individuality. As computers and digital equipments are used broadly in the area of the design, only individuality design can establish in the confrere; having the adoration in the confrere; and acquiring the value of art. Especially in this digital generation, as the change of life and the development of the information, the digital design is aggressing each nook around us.

To be in the edge of the illustration-design is not a strange area to us, in recent year, illustration artistry appear frequently on TV advertisements, magazines, and music. And illustration is applied to various walks of life, illustration becomes more and more important for the history of the human-information-communication.

I like illustration very much, therefore, I choose this article to read. I think I can find the new vitality in the world of illustration, I can also tell the story by color and shapes. I always practice the skill of illustration, and I like to read the illustration magazines to understand the trend.

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