Thursday, October 25, 2007

593090170 陳佳伶

English to Chinese

Strawberries in the Frame

From:Taiwan Review, October 2007. P.32-39


Motion and abstract:

Chinese to English

開放分享網路文化 專家就是你家 —維基百科台北年會 籌辦後記
Open to share Internet Culture, you are the expert.
After arrange an association of Wikipedia in Taipei.

資料來源:目擊者雜誌第60期 P.25-27

1. Someone who wants to set up the net like Wikipedia to share internet culture and audience who use the net to search information.
2. Before people who will join discussion room, they can know how to use this web. Therefore, open to share the net culture, anyone will know esteem diversified opinions.

Wikipedia is a kind of an encyclopedia on line. Most of us know it and use it often. It is a web which provides a lot of information and popular subjects on it. Every different subject has a space to discuss for someone who is interest in.
Wikipedia has various topics and plentiful knowledge, which have been suggested and discussed by some people. It doesn’t like traditional encyclopedia, which has lots of topics, such as biology, science, current events. An encyclopedia contains lots of research and historic experience. However, Wikipedia is that some people have the same ideas, they talk over, provide own views and achieve some plan. In addition, this web sets rules in order to avoid harmful effects. It will control illegal actions. Let users have a fine space to discuss. Whether, in any discuss room, you can provide your ideas, and you will also learn to listen to another’s opinions.
For me, on this web, I can know the popular subjects, lots of information in every average. If I want to look for some data, I will search the information what I want on this web. In addition to search information, I will skim what participators
share their ideas to others. What they discuss will let skimmer think of relational problems, and ponder it after read it.

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