這本小說是在1897年出版的,它代表了作者Herbert George Wells的典型科幻小說,人們發明了讓人隱形的機器,而Wells也像是扮演了科學上的發明家。隱形人不單有小說,更有電影,劇情一樣帶著詭異,及恐怖的感覺,這也是這部小說最吸引人之處。讓人們想像著若自己隱形起來可以作什麼,似乎可以為所慾為,顯現出人性可怕的一面。

I choose two stories from Lizo-zai, the first one is“Justice Lu”, the story is talk about a Justice from hell and makes a friend with a man named Er-Dan Zhu. Justice Lu made Er-Dan Zhu very smart, but Zhu demands more and more, even change his wife's head.
The second story is "Taoist from Mountain Lao", talk about a man wants to learn some supernatural power, and go to the Mountain Lao to find taoist . But he doesn't want to bear with the tough train. Lastly, even he take one supernatural power to home, he can't use the power.
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