Land of Styles
《Time Magazine》用「風格之境」這幾個字來形容泰國,泰國設計師躍上國際舞台,從家具、時裝、珠寶到生活商品,全世界睜大眼睛注目。巴黎知名時裝評論家Pernet說,「曼谷設計師有巴黎或米蘭看不到的驚人熱情。」PRADA亞太區執行長S. Suhl更指出,「曼谷是現在亞洲城市中,唯一能讓我們有大夢想的城市。它有最令人震驚、最具潮流感的國內品牌,亞洲除了日本之外,其他國家看不到。」
當我發現國際設計資訊雜誌Wallpaper有泰文版卻沒有中文版的時候這個變化令我為之震撼,拋開報導中提及的時尚產業,泰國的新銳設計品牌Propaganda就是一個非常好的例子,他們的商品以幽默、原創為起點,除了餐具,廚房,衛浴用品,還有文具,燈飾,幾乎都是生活中隨手可拾的小物件,不但連續獲得德國,美國Good Design Award設計大獎,也是歐洲商展唯一入選進入歐洲館展出的亞洲品牌,並接連在英國,日本,台灣,香港,美國,德國,法國造成一波不小的風潮。
KUNTZEL + DEYGAS 2 dogs conquer the whole world
In 1990, KUNTZEL were selected as advertisement design director, one of 100 most creative persons in France; and he with a traditional animation graphic designer DEYGAS established “ADD A DOG” design studio. They own and operate an art studio in Paris; the “CAPERINO&PEPERONE” is the most success and make people impression deepest work.
They are French and they have been making eye-catching digital video work since 1990, using classical tools and systems, and mixing in real drawings, objects and animation, such a risk, but they bring up today's success.
There are many of the projects some are for real, like the sprightly, some are for sixties-tinged opening titles for Steven Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can. Some are just for fun, like their Com-Pet, a robot that serves as a virtual dog, to aid communication between people in situations where dogs aren't allowed.
There are many of the projects some are for real, like the sprightly, some are for sixties-tinged opening titles for Steven Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can. Some are just for fun, like their Com-Pet, a robot that serves as a virtual dog, to aid communication between people in situations where dogs aren't allowed.
The partnership describes its work as Drawing + motion + photo + objects + video + print + dance + set design + CG effects, and they insist on connections with the plus sign, to indicate that We can jump from simplicity to sophistication. In any case, they do more than design: in almost every case, they create lively, engrossing characters that tell a story, whether the client is a musician like Beatrice Ardisson or Bertrand Burgalet, or a product like YSL perfume, British HSBC Bank or Coca-Cola Japan. The stars of this publication are the irresistible team of dogs, Caperino & Peperone, who scamper over the products of French style merchant Colette. An inspiring journey into the minds of a unique partnership, Kuntzel + Deygas.
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