Wednesday, October 24, 2007


英翻中:The girl in white
白衣女孩,這是一篇墨西哥有名的鬼故事,描述一名男士名受邀到朋友Ernesto家參加舞會,舞會開始時,他深深為一名白衣女子著迷,他認為這名白衣女子是全墨西哥最可人的女孩兒,他們共舞一段,結束後Ernesto上前告訴這名與白衣女子跳舞的男士,他剛剛一直是一人獨舞。打聽之下,原來這名白衣女子是一百年前的古人。原本筆者要翻譯的是美國電影鬼故事各年代簡史,無意間找到提供美國鬼故事網站,這是美國民間故事網,搜尋之下,決定以當日瀏覽第一名的鬼故事”The girl in white”為我的主題。筆者發現無論是美國鬼片或是美國民間鬼故事,他們特別偏好殺人魔或是幽靈系列,鬼片大多以殺人魔或是幽靈為主,而瀏覽次數最多的鬼故事也是像白衣女孩的幽靈,或是可怕殺人魔為主題。

"If has the design, lets our design have more aggressive." this article explains why design can have the aggressiveness? And what does mean that design can aggress culture? What is more, the article proves how design has aggressiveness, explaining the change of design, why human need design. Besides, the article mentions what kind of design that human need, and what the rules that human follow to.

The article divides into three major parts. First, relations of design; Second, what kind of the design dose we need; Third, if has the design, lets our design have more aggressiveness. In the part of relations of design, the article also mentions world history and human history; from design to culture invasion; returning China from the world. The part of what kind of the design dose we need says the education and design. The last part explains culture invasion and how design aggress culture.

Culture invasion is an important issue in this generation. The west culture aggresses the whole world for many centuries. Now, Chinese culture is resurged, as a Chinese, we all have to know how to maintain this situation.

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